So let’s talk some deep stuff real quick, a lot of people walk pass homeless or less fortunate folks and act like they chose to be that way. They give scrapes of change like 50cents or a penny,and think that’s giving because they don’t wanna give them dollar bills because they’re gonna go spend it on drugs. (As if all people are the same fortunate or not).

Some people are really needing gas money for their car,or some money just to eat or buy fresh clothes. I work at a retail store and see daily less fortunate steal all the time. God placed it on my spirit to talk about giving homeless money vs them stealing. I will be conducting a live going deeper on this topic on my @breakthroughforyou1991 YouTube channel, if you would like to hear more.

But to speak briefly on it here today or night depend on where your reading this, God created us all. He created us all to be loving kind and willingly to help one another. We all have struggled with something in life. We all could use some help. But what happens when you need help, but you don’t wanna help others. The less fortunate will become fortunate in the Kingdom of Heaven and the fortunate here on earth will be less fortunate in Heaven. If your a child of the most High then you are willingly and able to help anyway you can,even if thats simply saying hello,sorry I don’t have any cash or hey can I buy you something to eat or drink.

Heck!! Even offering to pray for them. If they refuse then that’s on them,atleast you showed the Goodness of God.

Written: 7/10/24

